Take Control of the Day


Life is short - and the years fly by swifter than an arrow shot from a bow. For most of us, we will reach a point in our time here on earth where we have lived more life than we have left to live. When we arrive at that point of realization - every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every moment becomes more precious. Truth is, we are either spending that time living or dying. And that means if we are not consciously aware and engaged in the present - we are dying. Every thought and action that is not focused on the here and now is lost to a past we cannot change, or a future we will not have planned, as much as is in our control to prepare for it. And despite the notions that we have so little control over anything - we have the ultimate control over the things in life that really matter. Those being: the attitude we possess, the outlook we adopt, telling people we love them, listening to others with genuine attention, encouraging hope and faith in everyone we meet, fostering and protecting a child’s dream, standing beside others when life hurts, being honest and true and sincere, and praying daily and thanking a God who loves us unconditionally. 

And of course, constantly making use of one of the greatest powers we all have: the power to forgive, not only others but ourselves. 

As the shepherd king psalmist so aptly phrased it - This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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The Image of Justice


Religion, the Church, and the Bridegroom